The presentation to pitch our idea for our Reality TV Show.
The basic idea is that this is a game show called 'After Dark' where contestants are made to live with each other for a week and complete a number of tasks to earn luxuries such as hot running water or soft duvets. Each day a contestant gets voted off by the audience which shows that our show contains audience participation. The winning contestant left at the end of the week wins a cash prize of £13000. I chose this number seeing as 13 is an unlucky number so it fits in with the theme and genre of the show which is thriller.
I have tried to show stereotypes in our show especially with the character Ashley Jenson who is a typical blonde girl who wears short clothes and lots of make up, who makes a big fuss and doesn't like to do challenges. I will be applying the uses and gratification theory by causing conflict between Ashley Jenson and Sienna Parnell (a character who likes to judge others and feels that she is better than most). This will bring satisfaction to an audience as seeing others argue tends to entertain them as they can watch it and get involved by taking sides without the people even knowing.
Feedback: When we got reviews back for our pitch we never scored any lower than 3 out of 5 and it was all usually 4s and 5s. Most people enjoyed our concept and said they would watch our show. Some people said that we need to work on theories to improve.
Your media pitch was convincing, well researched and clearly stated how the research you have conducted so far has contributed to your ideas for practical production. You clearly explained your ideas and answered questions competently and clearly. You have a clear idea about the practicalities of your production work and have set high challenges for yourself.